Team Up with PDC

Step Up, Team Up with PDC: Get the Most from Your Dental Practice

A successful business results from many factors, but one of the most crucial is knowing how to manage your assets.  You can have a database teaming with patients, but you will miss the mark if you are not adequately handling your resources to their full potential.  However, as the owner of your dental practice, it can be challenging to find the time to assess the office practices and implement ways to make them more efficient and effective.  Partnering with PDC means greater success for your dental practice.

Failing to make the most of all your team has to offer can slow down your office. But there is a solution. Instead of trying to do it all, contact Progressive Dental Concepts.

Benefits of Teaming Up with the Progressive Dental Concepts Dental Group

Team Up with PDC1. Better financial performance – Instead of dealing with insurance companies, processing payroll, and other non-dental jobs, the management company will do it for you. Because PDC has people who focus on business, you can put your energy into connecting with patients.

2. You can get more done – Your office will be more streamlined, which means better productivity in every area.

3. Risks are lower- Keeping up with ever-changing laws regarding wages, vacation policies, HIPPA, OSHA, workman’s comp, and other business requirements is a must. This can make for long days behind the desk rather than at your patient’s chair. When your practice teams up with a dental management company, you can let them handle these issues.

4. Improved staff training and development – A growing dental practice is more than increasing patients. It is also when you and your staff’s knowledge does. PDC provides mentors and continuing education opportunities so you can boost your knowledge. With more understanding of dentistry, you can keep your office on the cutting edge of the best dental practices and procedures.

5. Decision-making is easier – Don’t lose sleep trying to decide on the best approach to a sticky situation or whether it’s time to upgrade. Progressive Dental Concepts has advisors to provide feedback and suggest ways to move forward.

6. Staffing stays consistent – Working with PDC means you keep your current staff.  We won’t come in and start letting people go.  Conversely, we can observe your team and help you determine how to best use them to maximize their skills.  Also, if you need extra help to cover vacation days, sickness, etc., we have people we can bring in to help.

7. You still have control of your office – Working with PDC doesn’t mean relinquishing complete control of the practice you have invested numerous resources into.  Instead, we are here to help you maximize those resources.

8. More time and less stress – If you don’t remember when you let yourself separate from the office, it’s time to call for help.  Just because you started the practice doesn’t mean you must let it consume your every waking moment.  Working with a management company means they assist with bookkeeping, staff education, and other facets of running your practice. This lightens your load, giving you more time to reap and enjoy the benefits.

A dental management company is the perfect solution for getting more from and for your practice.  Contact Progressive Dental Concepts today to learn how to improve your practice and work-life balance.  You’re not “selling out”.  You’re “Stepping Up”.  Join our PDC Team to leverage and grow your practice by augmenting with our experience staff!

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